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Recover - recover, Synonym fur restore … Universal-Lexikon … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English Recover - find again balance, bring back, catch up, compensate, get back, make good, obtain again, offset, reacquire, recapture, reclaim, recoup, recruit, redeem, rediscover, regain, reoccupy, repair, replevin, replevy, repossess, rescue, restore,… … New thesaurus sense of to get (anything) back… … Etymology dictionary Meaning to regain health or strength is from early 14c. recuperare to recover (see RECUPERATION (Cf. Recover - c.1300, to regain consciousness, from Anglo Fr. often followed by of or from as, to recover from a state of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English To regain health after sickness to grow well to be restored or cured hence, to regain a former state or condition after misfortune, alarm, etc. to compensate for make up for 3 … English World dictionary a) to get back (something lost or stolen) b) to regain (health, consciousness, etc.) 2.

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Recover, the most comprehensive of these terms, may imply a finding or obtaining something material or immaterial that has been lost… … New Dictionary of Synonyms Recover - 1 Recover, regain, retrieve, recoup, recruit can mean to get back something that has been let go or lost.

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er /ri k? v?r/ vt 1: to get back or get back an equivalent for recover costs through higher prices 2 a: to obtain or get back (as damages, satisfaction for a debt, or property) through a judgment or decree recover damages in a tort action… … Law dictionary.

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To get or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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FINANCE to get back money… … Financial and business terms Its shares plunged at the start of trading, but recovered to close only slightly increase or improve after falling in value or getting worse:

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